Wednesday, Tishrei 14, 5785 / October 16, 2024
Tonight (Wednesday night) begins the joyous festival of Sukkot - -"Season of our rejoicing." As mentioned yesterday, there are two mitzvot associated with Sukkot: 1) To eat our meals in the Sukkah; 2) To recite the blessing over the Lulav and Etrog.
The mitzvah of Lulav & Etrog is not performed on Shabbat. Thus, this year on the third day of Sukkot, we do not perform this mitzvah. However, eating in the Sukkah is performed each day of Sukkot.
Q.Why is this mitzvah not performed on Shabbat?
A.The sages were concerned that if one may not know how to perform this mitzvah, they will carry it on Shabbat to someone who can teach them, thus violating the prohibition of not carrying in a public domain on Shabbat. This is also the reason we don’t blow the Shofar on Shabbat.
In Leviticus (23: 33-44) the Torah tells us, "On the 15th day of the seventh month [Tishrei], when you have gathered in the fruits of the land, you shall observe the feast of the L-rd seven days; on the first day shall be a solemn rest and on the eighth day shall be a rest. And you shall take to you on the first day the fruit of goodly trees (Etrog), branches of palm trees (Lulav), and branches of thick trees (Hadasim) and willows of the brook (Aravot), and you shall rejoice before the L-rd your G-d seven days... In Sukkot you shall dwell seven days... So that your generations may know that I made the Children of Israel dwell in booths when I brought them out from the Land of Egypt."
According to our sages, the Four Species (Etrog, Lulav, Hadasim, Aravot) represent the four categories of the Jewish people. This mitzvah of holding the four species together and reciting the special blessing over them also represents the idea of Jewish unity.
Lesson: The importance of unity. The Torah tells us, "You shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter and your manservant and your maidservant and the Levite and the stranger and the orphan and the widow that are within your gates..." In connection with the holiday of Sukkot, the Torah emphasizes the concept of unity, for everyone to rejoice together. True rejoicing can only be achieved when we are united and include in our rejoicing also the less fortunate.
Q. Why is the blessing recited on the Lulav (palm) and not on the other three species?
A. The Lulav is the tallest of them all and it is also bound together with two of the other species (Hadasim & Aravot). Thus, we recite the blessing mentioning the Lulav. Also, the Lulav stands firm, tall and has a backbone, so to speak. A Jew has to be proud, stand tall and be proud to observe the Torah and mitzvot.
Q. Why doesn’t a Sukkah need a mezuzah on the door?
A. Because the Sukkah is not a permanent dwelling as it is made to be used for one week only.
Montreal candle lighting times: Wed.: 5:48 / Thurs.: 6:49 / Fri.: 5:45