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Thursday, Mar-Cheshvan 13, 5785 / November 14, 2024


This week’s Parsha, Vayeira, begins, "And G-d appeared to Abraham while he sat at the door of the tent in the heat of the day."  The Torah doesn’t say why G-d appeared to him. 


This Parsha comes right after the end of last Parsha, where we learn that Abraham was circumcised at the age of ninety-nine. G-d's visit to Abraham was to perform the mitzvah of visiting the sick. This episode took place on the third day after Abraham was circumcised.  G-d's appearance to Abraham in the beginning of this Parsha, was for the sole purpose of performing the mitzvah of "visiting the sick" - as Abraham was recuperating from his circumcision.


Our sages say that the mitzvot which G-d commanded us to observe, He also observes them. The mitzvah of visiting the sick is called "Bikur Cholim" and is a very important mitzvah.  Not only does it help the patient psychologically, it also helps him get well physically.  Our sages say that by visiting the sick we take away 1/60th of their illness.


The Midrash tells: A student of the Talmudic sage Rabbi Akiva became ill. No one had visited him, and his illness became worse. Rabbi Akiva heard this and visited the student.  Rabbi Akiva cleaned the floor and did whatever the student needed.  As a result of Rabbi Akiva's efforts, the student survived.  Rabbi Akiva then told his students, "Whoever doesn't visit the sick it is as if they have spilled their blood!"


The Code of Jewish Law states:"The main reasons for visiting the sick are; to see what they need and to pray for their health.  If one visits a sick person and does not pray for him or her, one did not fulfill his duty.  When one is praying for a sick person he should ask G-d to heal him amongst all the other sick of Israel, for one's prayer is more readily accepted when it invokes the collective merits of the many."


Rabbi Dovid of Lelov was known for his kindness and great love for his fellow man and as a result was respected by everyone. 


Once his son became gravely ill.  The people of the city made every effort to help in any way they could.  They brought the best doctors, they gathered in the synagogue to recite special prayers, and many even fasted for the welfare of the child.  In the end, G-d helped, and his son became well.


But when the people came to congratulate Rabbi Dovid, they found him crying.  "Why are you crying," they asked. "You should be happy and rejoice in the wonderful news of your son's recuperation?"


Rabbi Dovid replied, "I'm crying because I now realized that I'm lacking in the mitzvah of love your fellow like yourself.  When my child was sick, we all did whatever we could for him, yet, when another person's child is sick, I don't feel the same.  As long as my concern for my child is more than for another Jewish child, I am lacking in my performance of this mitzvah."