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Monday, Kislev 4, 5783 (Hakhel Year) / November 28, 2022


In this week’s Parsha Vayeitzei the Torah relates the story of how Yaakov leaves his parents, Yitzchak, and Rivkah, to go to his uncle, Lavan who lived in Charan.


Yaakov’s travelling to his uncle had a double purpose. 1) To flee from his brother Esau, who wanted to kill him after Yaakov received his father’s blessings, which were originally intended for Esau. 2) He went to his uncle Lavan, with the intention of marrying one of Lavan’s daughters.


On his way to Lavan, Yaakov stopped off to study at the Yeshiva (study halls) of Eiver (great grandson of Noah).He was there for 14 years, after which he continued his journey to his uncle in Charan.


When he finally came to Charan, he met Lavan’s younger daughter, Rachel, at the well. He was taken by her beauty and piety. Yaakov promised Lavan that he would work for him seven years for his permission to marry his daughter Rachel. Lavan agreed. However, after working seven years, Lavan fooled him and gave him his older daughter, Leah, instead. 


Yaakov then promised to work another seven years for Rachel. Lavan agreed, but, whereas the first seven years he worked before his marriage, the second seven he worked for his father-in-law, only after marrying Rachel. Yaakov ended up working fourteen years for Lavan’s two daughters.


In addition to Leah and Rachel, he also married Bilha and Zilpa, who were half-sisters to Rachel and Leah. Thus, Yaakov had four wives from whom he had his twelve sons and his daughter, Dina. From these twelve sons come the twelve tribes of Israel.


Eleven of Yaakov’s sons and Dina were born in Charan. His youngest son, Binyamin (Benjamin), was his only child born in Canaan (Israel). Binyamin was born when Yaakov was on his way back to his father’s home. Right after Rachel gave birth to Binyamin, she passed away.


Q.   How old was Yaakov when he left his parents and how old was he when he came to Lavan?


A.   Yaakov was 63 years old when he left his parents’ home.  On the way to Lavan he stopped at the Yeshiva of Ever, where he studied for 14 years.  Thus, when Yaakov came to Lavan he was 77.


Q.  How old was Yaakov when he married Leah and Rachel?


A.He worked for seven years before he married Leah and then Rachel. Thus, he was 84.


Q.  How many years did Yaakov end up staying with his father-in-law, Lavan?


A.  Twenty years. Fourteen years he worked for the rights to marry Leah and Rachel. He worked another six years, during which time G-d blessed Yaakov with great wealth. He was 97 when he left Lavan. But, his travel back home took him two years.