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Monday, Tammuz 5, 5782 / July 4, 2022


This week’s Parsha (in the Diaspora), Chukat, begins with the mitzvah of "Parah Adumah" - "Red Heifer". The ashes of a red heifer mixed with water, were used to purify those who came into contact with a dead body so they can enter into the Holy Temple.


Death symbolizes the very opposite of holiness and G-dliness, which is called "life". One who came in contact with a dead person became spiritually contaminated and had to go through the process of "purification." Through the process of Parah Adumah and immersing in a mikvah, a person was transformed from a state of spiritual impurity to a state of spiritual purity.


Since the time of Moshe, nine red heifers have been used for spiritual cleansing. Since the destruction of the Temple, the process of Parah Adumah was stopped. Moshiach will use the tenth "Parah Adumah" to purify the people of Israel.


The Torah calls this mitzvah, "Chukat HaTorah."  It is one of the many mitzvot in the Torah that have no logical or apparent reason, which is why this category of mitzvot is called Chukah. This mitzvah is considered illogical due to the following paradox; while the spiritually impure person becomes pure through the process of Parah Adumah, the Kohen (Priest) who handles the ashes becomes impure.


The irrationality of this mitzvah teaches us that to make the leap from impurity to spirituality, one has to commit to G-d’s mitzvot beyond the limitations of one's logic.


The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that Parah Adumah teaches us the extent a Jew must commit to help another one spiritually. One must make personal sacrifices to help a fellow Jew come closer to G-d.


Our sages say that even when it seems that we are making a sacrifice to benefit someone else, in the long run, it is we who benefit from it too. The following story illustrates how helping others helps us.


Two peddlers were walking from village to village to sell their wares.  One cold winter day it began snowing heavily and walking became treacherous. After many hours, one of them was so overcome by the cold and exhaustion, that he fell to the ground.


The partner, also shivering from cold, realized that his friend would freeze to death if left alone. He immediately went to work on his friend, massaging him, moving his hands, feet and limbs, so they wouldn't freeze.  He worked for many hours, even though he too was freezing from the cold.  Finally, a coach drove by, picked them up and brought them to the city where they were attended by a doctor.


The one who massaged his friend boasted that he saved his friend's life.  However, the doctor said to him, "True you saved his life, but he saved your life too... for had you not massaged him and used your hands and feet to help him, you too, would have suffered from frostbite.." Helping others benefits us.