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Friday, Shevat 19, 5782 / January 21, 2022


This Shabbat we will read Parshat Yitro, which tells the story of the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.


In the Parsha: “On the third month after the children of Israel’s departure from Egypt, on this day, they arrived at the desert of Sinai” (Exodus 9:1).


Q.   On which day of the month, and which day of the week did they arrive at Mount Sinai? On which day of the week was the Torah given?


A.   They came to Mount Sinai on Rosh Chodesh Sivan (first day of the third month).  There are two opinions as to which day of the week it was.  Some say that they came on Sunday and the Torah was given seven days later.  Some say they came to Mount Sinai on Monday, thus, the Torah was given six days later.  Everyone agrees that the Torah was given on Shabbat (Saturday).


In the Parsha:(In preparation to receiving the Torah, G-d tells Moshe,) “You should say the following to the House of Jacob and tell to the sons of Israel.  You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and I brought you to me.  Now if you listen to Me and keep My covenant, you will be a precious treasure to me among all the peoples, for the whole earth is mine. You shall be to Me a kingdom of ministers and a holy nation.” (Exodus 9:3-6).


Q.    What is the reason for these two expressions concerning the Jewish people, the House of Jacob and the sons of Israel”? 


A.   Our sages explain that “the House of Jacob” refers to the women and “the sons of Israel” refers to the men.  Thus, in preparation to receiving the Torah, G-d told Moshe to speak to the women first and then to the men.


Q.    Why does the Torah refer to the women as, “House of Jacob”?


A.   The Jewish woman is called, “Akeret habayit” – “the foundation of the home.”  Throughout 3000 years of Jewish history, it was the mother, more than the father, who took responsibility for building the spiritual foundation of her home.  It was the Jewish mother (“yiddishe Mame”) who instilled and nurtured the love and beauty of Judaism in her children.  While the father’s role was mostly to work outside the home, the mother’s role and responsibility was within her home.  Thus, her influence on her children was much greater. It is she who is responsible to make her home a Jewish home and a holy dwelling place for G-d. 


Thus, as G-d was about to give the Torah, which was to be carried forward to all generations, He commanded Moshe to speak to the women first, for their role and effectiveness in accomplishing this is much greater.




Montreal candle lighting time: 4:27 / Shabbat ends: 5:34