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Tuesday, Iyar 1, 5781 (16th day of the Omer)/ April 13, 2021


Today is the second day Rosh Chodesh of the Hebrew month, Iyar.  The mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh was given to the Jewish people, while still in Egypt, as they were getting ready for the Exodus. 


Q.   Why is Rosh Chodesh so significant? How is it connected to the Exodus?


A.   Rosh Chodesh is based on the lunar cycle, which is a monthly cycle.  At the end of every month the moon is not visible.  When the moon reappears, that day is Rosh Chodesh.


Rosh Chodesh is a lesson of hope for the Jewish people. It reminds us that no matter what hardships and difficulties we may encounter, we will always resurface and shine again, just like the moon. This is why the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh was given to our people as they were about to gain their freedom.


Rabbi Meir Shapiro was a legend in pre Second World War Poland.  He built the famous Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva, in Lublin, Poland.  Young men, with exceptional minds, from all over Europe, were the students of his yeshiva.  He initiated the daily study of Daf Yomi.  Rabbi Meir Shapiro was also a member in the Polish parliament.  In addition to his great Torah knowledge and his many achievements, Rabbi Shapiro was also known for his wonderful wit and humor.


With a population of three million Yiddish speaking Jews in Poland, there were many Jewish newspapers in the Yiddish language, printed there. There was a newspaper called the Moment; another one was called Heint (Today) and one of a religious nature which was called, Der Yid (the Jew).


One day, walking by a newsstand, Rabbi Shapiro asked for Der Yid. The proprietor said to Rabbi Shapiro, “Why do you want Der Yid? Why don’t you buy the more sophisticated papers; the Moment or the Heint? Der Yid is all the way on the bottom of the pile, beneath the Heint and the Moment!”


“But I insist on buying “Der Yid!” said Rabbi Shapiro.  The proprietor bent down and pulled out Der Yid from the bottom of the pile and handed it to Rabbi Shapiro.


“I’m very curious,” he said to the Rabbi, “Why did you insist on buying Der Yid? After all, this newspaper has a small circulation and is of lesser quality than the other papers? In fact, you see that I keep Der Yid all the way at the bottom?”


Rabbi Shapiro smiled and replied, “Look at the names of the other papers: Heint means Today, and Moment, means a moment.  The moment will be gone in a moment and the day will be gone in a day.  However, Der Yid, today, at this moment, may be at the bottom… But in the end, Der Yid (the Jew), will rise to the top!”


The above idea is G-d’s message to the Jewish people through the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh. It reminds us that although today and at the moment, we may be experiencing difficulties and hardships, yet, in the end, with G-d’s help, we always regain our full luster and strength.