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Monday, Nissan 30, 5781 (15th day of the Omer)/ April 12, 2021


Today is the first day Rosh Chodesh Iyar. In Biblical times this month was called, Ziv.


The Hebrew calendar is a lunar based calendar. The moon has a twenty nine and a half day cycle from its appearance to its next sighting. During the first half of the month it keeps getting bigger. At the middle point it is full and then begins to get smaller again, until its next re-appearance.


Rosh Chodeshis celebrated on the day when the moon starts its cycle of rebirth. Not always is it very visible on Rosh Chodesh.


When we celebrate two days Rosh Chodesh, the first day is considered the last day of the previous month and the second day Rosh Chodesh is the first day of the new month. Thus, today is the 30th day of the month Nissan and tomorrow will be the first day of Iyar. When we have only one day Rosh Chodesh then the outgoing month consists of only 29 days.


The Hallel is recited during the morning prayer. We read from the Torah the special Rosh Chodesh reading and the Musaf service is added.


IYAR is a special month, as it is the month which connects the month of Nissan, when we celebrate our redemption from Egypt and the month of Sivan when we celebrate receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai.


The month of Iyar has no biblical or Rabbinical holidays in it. Yet, it is a special month in that the entire month, every night, we recite the special blessing and perform the special mitzvah of counting the Omer.


Iyar is also called the month of healing, as the Hebrew letters which spell IYAR are an acronym for the words of the Torah, “All the sicknesses which I have brought upon the Egyptians, I will not bring upon you for I am G-d, your HEALER.”


From the above verse we see that the best form of healing is not when one gets sick and is then healed, but when G-d doesn’t bring sickness upon a person in the first place. Thus, G-d continuously heals us, in the form of not making us sick in the first place.


May this new month of Iyar bring healing to all who need healing and may we all be spared any form of sickness, especially be spared from the pandemic. G-d’s pre-emptive vaccine is the best and for that we praise Him every day.


Construction of both Temples began in the month of Iyar.  On Rosh Chodesh Iyar, 2928, King Solomon began building the first Temple in Jerusalem and it was completed in the year 2935. 


Construction of the Second Temple began on the 5th of Iyar 3391, but, by decree of King Cyrus, it was soon halted.  In 3408 construction was resumed and completed in 3412.