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Friday, Nissan 27, 5781 (12th day of the Omer)/ April 9, 2021


Yesterday, was Yom HaShoa - Holocaust Remembrance Day. Jews all over the world remember their 6,000,000 brothers and sisters, men, women and children, who were brutally murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators just over seventy five years ago.


At the Pesach Seder, which we celebrated last week, we raised our cup of wine and recited the "Vehi She’amda" in which we are reminded that, "in every generation there are those who want to annihilate us, but G-d saves us from their hands." Our existance is a daily miracle.


One of the survivors of the Holocaust was Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Halbershtam, of blessed memory. His wife and 11 children were murdered in the Holocaust. He miraculasly survived the labor camps and later settled in Israel, where he established the Kloizenberg Chassidic dynasty. He built the Laniado Hospital in Netanya.


During all his time in the camps and after losing his entire family, he never lost hope and would encourage other Jews not to lose hope, for the day will come when they will be liberated.


One time after one of the SS Nazis beat him mercilessly, another inmate asked him, “Rabbi, are you still going to be saying that you belong to the Chosen People?”


Yes. I will say it with more fervent and meaning,” replied the rabbi. “I will be thanking G-d for choosing me to be a Jew.. not a murderer, a barbaric, cruel and inhumane German Nazi!”


Our greatest tribute to the victims of the “Shoah” is doing whatever we can to assure Jewish survival and continuity - physically and spiritually. May we merit the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days. Amen.


Q.  What is the significance of the Kaddish which we recite after those who passed away?


A.  The "Kaddish" in which we praise, glorify and sanctify G-d's name, serves two functions: It benefits the soul of the deceased to rest in peace in Gan Eden. It also shows that the mourners accept G-d's judgment and proclaim His justice. This, too, benefits the soul of the deceased.


Q.  Why is the Kaddish recited in Aramaic, not in Hebrew?


A.  At the time the Kaddish was introduced the majority of the people spoke Aramaic and didn't understand Hebrew. In order that everyone in the congregation will understand the meaning of these words, it was established in Aramaic.


This Shabbat we read from the Torah Parshat Shmini. We also recite the blessing for the new month, Iyar. Rosh Chodesh will be Monday & Tuesday. This Shabbat, after the mincha prayer, we recite the first chapter of the Pirkei Avot (Chapters of our Fathers).




Montreal candle lighting time: 7:15 / Shabbat ends: 8:20