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Tuesday, Mar-Cheshvan 2, 5781 / October 20, 2020


This week’s Parsha, Noach is about the story of The Great Flood and Noach’s building of The Ark.


This parsha is the second Parsha of the Torah. In the first Parsha, Breishis, the Torah records the story of creation. In the second Parsha, Noach, we read about the enormous destruction which G-d brought through The Great Flood. Only Noach and his family were saved in The Ark. Also, seven of each of the kosher animals and two of the non kosher ones were saved in The Ark.


Q. What was the reason for this enormous destruction on such a global scale?


A. The Torah states that it was a punishment for immoralty, murders, idol worship and robbery on a global scale.  All the descendents of Cain (who killed his brother Abel), perished in The Flood.


Q. Does the Torah give any reason for the name Noach?


A. The Torah states that his father, Lemech, called his son, Noach, which comes from the Hebrew word “Nechama,” comfort, saying, “This one will bring us comfort from our hard labor in the field which G-d cursed.” Indeed, Noach developed tools which made it easier to cultivate the land.


Q. How old was Noach when The Flood began?


A. Noach was 600 years old when The Flood began.


Q. How many people were saved in The Ark? Who were they?


A. Eight people were saved:Noach, his wife, their three sons and their wives.


Q. How old was Noach when the first of his sons was born?


A. He was five hundred year old.


Q. How long did The Great Flood last? How much time did they spend in The ark?


A. The waters of The Great Flood came down for forty days. Even after the rains stopped, the waters kept on rising and gaining strength from beneath until they covered all the mountains. It was half a year before the waters began receding. They were in The Ark for over one year.


Q.  How did the animals behave in the Ark? Whay did they eat?


A.  Everyone got along, even the lion and the sheep, just as in Moshiach’s times. Meat was prohibited for them to eat. They all ate vegetation. Only after The Great Flood did G-d permit them to eat meat.