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Thursday, Elul 28, 5780 / September 17, 2020


Q.  Why is it that on Rosh Hashana, the Day of Judgment, we do not fast, while on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we do fast?


A.In Scriptures (Nechemia 8:9-10) it states that after returning from the first exile, Ezra the Scribe, gathered the Jewish people on Rosh Hashana and read the Torah to them.  Upon hearing his words, the people’s hearts were stirred to repentance and they wept. 


Ezra then told them, “This day is holy to the L-rd, do not mourn or weep… Go eat and drink sweets.  Send food to those who have not prepared, for this day is holy unto the L-rd.   Do not be saddened, for the joy of G-d is your strength…” Eating and drinking on Rosh Hashana is an expression of confidence and faith in G-d that He will judge us favorably and we have nothing to fear.


Fasting on Yom Kippur is a sign that our sins are forgiven. Just as angels have no sins and do not need food, so too, we do not need food on Yom Kippur, because we are without sin, like angels.  


Q.  What is the significance in that the Shofar is blown from the narrow end while the wide end of the Shofar is pointing upward?


A.  One of the verses from the Psalms recited before the sounding of the Shofar is, "Out of distress I called to G-d; with abounding relief, G-d answered me." The narrow end of the Shofar represents our call of distress; the wide end, represents G-d's answering our call with abounding relief.


Q.  Why is the ram’s horn from which we blow on Rosh Hashana, called Shofar?


A.  According to our sages the name "Shofar" is from the same root as "Shapru" which means to "beautify." Thus, the Shofar reminds us to "beautify our actions and deeds" in the coming year.


Q.  According to Jewish Law (Halacha) it is preferable that the one who leads the services on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur should be a married person with a family. Why?


A.  The Torah says that the High Priest who performed the service in the Holy Temple on Yom Kippur had to be a married man.  One who has a family prays with more intention and more caring as he is also responsible for his wife and children.  He understands the responsibility of caring for others.  Our sages felt that a cantor who has a family will be more serious and attentive.  He will pray with more dedication and responsibility for the welfare of his family and congregation.


This Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur will be a challenge for so many. Our sages tell us that G-d asks that we do the best we can. If, for health or safety reasons, one cannot attend synagogue, we can still pray at home and G-d will do the best He can and grant us all a Shana Tova - a healthy New Year.