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Friday, Nissan 9, 5780 / April 3, 2020


This Shabbat, Parshat Tzav, the Shabbat before Pesach, is called Shabbat HaGadol – the Great Shabbat. There are many reasons why it’s called The Great Shabbat. One reason is that many great miracles occurred to the Jewish people on the Shabbat before the Exodus. May G-d send us great miracles in our predicament today and may we become rid of this terrible pandemic.


The Pesach Seder celebrates our Exodus from Egypt. We get together with family and friends, year after year, to tell the story of Passover and the wonderful miracles G-d performed for the Jewish people. Unfortunately, this year many of us will be celebrating the Seder without the warmth of family. But one’s health comes before all else. Please follow the health instructions and may we merit a great miracle.


Q.How many years did the Jews live in Egypt until they were liberated?


A.210 years.


Q.Who was the first of our forefather’s Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be in Egypt? Which of them actually moved to Egypt?


A.Abraham was the first to be in Egypt. The Torah tells us that when Abraham first came to Canaan (Israel), there was a hunger in the land and he moved to Egypt. Abraham’s son, Isaac, was never in Egypt. But Abraham’s grandson, Yaakov (Jacob) moved to Egypt, together with his entire family, when he was 130 years old. Yaakov lived in Egypt seventeen years and passed away at the age of 147.


Q.Why did Yaakov move to Egypt?


A.  Because that’s where his lost son, Joseph, ended up and became the ruler of the land. Joseph sent for his father and his family to come to Egypt. The Exodus took place 210 years later.


Q.Were Jews enslaved in Egypt all 210 years?


A.As long as Yaakov and his sons were alive and because Joseph was the ruler of the land of Egypt, they lived very comfortably in Egypt. Only after the last of Jacob’s children passed away, did the Egyptians enslave the children of Israel.


Q. Why do we find in the Torah the numbers 400 and 430 years associated with the Exodus?


A. The actual time they were physically in Egypt was 210 years. From when Isaac was born until the Exodus was 400 years. From when G-d made the covenant with Abraham, thirty years before Isaac was born, and informed him about the enslavement and the Exodus was 430 years.




Montreal Candle lighting time: 7:08 / Shabbat ends: 8:12