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Monday, Shevat 22, 5780 / February 17, 2020


This past Shabbat we read Parshat Yitro which tells how G-d gave the Ten Commandments to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. Here are some interesting points about the Ten Commandments and the Torah.


Q. Did the Jewish people hear the Ten Commandments from G-d or from Moshe?


A. The first two commandments; “I am the L-rd your G-d..” and "You shall not have any other Gods..” they heard from G-d Himself. The other eight commandments they heard from Moshe.


Reason: After hearing the first two commandments, which caused them great fright, they were afraid that if they continue hearing the rest of the commandments straight from G-d, they would die. Thus, they asked that Moshe should relate the other eight commandments to them.


Q. How many days was Moshe upon Mount Sinai before he brought down the Two Tablets?     


A. Moshe went up Mount Sinai three times. In total he was on the Mountain for a period of 120 days.


The first time he was up for 40 days. When he came down and saw that the people made a Golden Calf he broke the Tablets. He then went up for another 40 days to beg G-d’s forgivness for the people for the grave sin of the Golden Calf, which G-d forgave at the end of the forty days. He then went up again, bringing with him a second set of Tablets, upon which G-d engraved the Ten Commandments again, which he brought down at the end of the last forty days. Thus, he was up on the mountain for a total of 120 days.


Q. Jews at that time ate the manna, which came down every day. What did Moshe eat those 120 days while being on the mountain?


A. The Torah tells us that all that time Moshe did not eat nor drink. He was like the angels who do not eat nor drink.


Q. How long did the Jewish people stay at Mount Sinai before continuing on their journy to the Promised Land? How long did Yitro, Moshe’s father-in-law stay with them?


A. They were at Mount Sinai almost a year, less ten days. Yitro left back to his homeland, Midyan, the same time as the people left Mount Sinai.


Q. Why did Yitro go back, when Moshe begged him to stay and continue with them to Israel? 


A. He returned to his homeland to convert his family and bring them back to join the Jewish people.