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Thursday, Tevet 26, 5780 / January 23, 2020


This Shabbat we read the second Parsha in the Book of Exodus, Parshat Va’eira.


Q.  In the Parsha we read, "And Aaron took Elisheva, the daughter of Aminadav, the sister of Nachshon, for a wife." The Torah previously mentioned that Nachshon was the son of Aminadav.  Why does the Torah, when telling us that Aaron married the daughter of Aminadav, inform us that she was the sister of Nachshon?  


A.  According to the Talmudic sage Rava, this teaches us that, "Before one takes a wife, he should check out her brothers; for most children take after the mother's brothers."


Q.  In the Parsha we read, “G-d said to Moshe, say to Aaron, take your rod and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt over the rivers, over their streams and over their pools and over all their ponds of water so that they will become blood."  Why were the waters smitten through Aaron, not through Moshe?


A.  Rabbi Tanchum says, "Because the waters of the Nile protected Moshe when his mother placed him in the river, he could not be the one to punish them.  This is the reason why the first two plagues, blood and frogs, which came from the water, were brought about by Aaron.


Q.  In the Parsha we read, "G-d said to Moshe, say to Aaron stretch out your rod and smite the dust of the earth and it shall become lice."  Why was the third plague, lice, also brought by Aaron?


A.   G-d told Moshe, "You should not be the one to punish the sand for it protected you when you killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand (2:12).  Aaron should bring this plague instead."


Q.   Moshe is called, “Moshe Rabeinu” – “Moshe our Rabbi-teacher.”  Why is he called Moshe before Rabeinu, while other sages are called rabbi-teacher before their personal name?


A.   For all other Rabbis, throughout the generations, the Torah, for which they are called rabbi-teacher, came before them.  But, Moshe was already eighty years old when the Torah was given.  For eighty years of his life he was Moshe, there was no Torah yet. Only when he got the Torah, did he become, Rabeinu – our teacher.


Q.   How are the 613 mitzvot, which G-d gave the Jewish people, through Moshe, hinted in his name?


A.    The numerical value of the Hebrew letters which spell, “MOSHE RABEINU” amounts to 613.




In loving memory of Lynn Cohen – Malka.   Yartzeit is today. 

May her Neshama-soul rest in peace in Gan Eden.  May her memory be a blessing.

Dedicated by her beloved husband, Bert, & children, Erin, Amy and Robert.