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Thursday, Nissan 13, 5779 / April 18, 2019


The holiday of Pesach begins Friday night. In the Diaspora we will be celebrating the Seder Friday night and again Saturday night.  In Israel only one Seder is celebrated.


One of the high points of the Seder is when the children ask the "Four Questions."  Parents, grandparents and the entire family derive great Nachas as they listen to the children recite the "Mah Nishtana” - “Why is this night different from all other nights of the year..."  


We should encourage our children to ask as many questions as possible so, through their curiosity and inquisitiveness, they will  participate in the Seder, for the greatest asset we have is our children and it was in their merit that G-d took us out of Egypt and gave us the Torah.


The children deserve an answer to their questions.  Here are the answers to the four questions:


First questionWhy do we eat Matzah


A.  Eating Matzah commemorates the miracle of the Exodus - the miracle of freedom.  Because the Egyptians made us leave quickly, the dough of our forefathers wasn't able to rise and it became matzah.


Second question:  Why do we eat Maror (bitter herbs)? 


A.  Maror reminds us of our slavery in Egypt.  Maror literally means "bitter" and recalls the bitterness of our oppression.  Only by remembering the "bitterness" that our ancestors experienced in Egypt can we appreciate and value our freedom today.


Third question:  Why do we dip twice? 


A.  Dipping is a sign of freedom.  Slaves don't dip their food for they eat their bread without delicacies.  On this night when we became a free nation, we dip our food as a sign of freedom.


Fourth question:  Why do we recline?  


A.  Reclining is also a demonstration of freedom.  For years, noblemen used to recline on cushions during their meals.  Our reclining is a sign of freedom.


Best wishes to you and your family for a Kosher, happy, healthy and wonderful Pesach-Passover. May this holiday of freedom bring peace and freedom to our brothers and sisters in Israel and everywhere.


** Special thanks to all who responded to our Annual Passover Campaign**