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Monday, Adar2 11, 5779 / March 18, 2019


The holiday of Purim, will be Wednesday, night (March 20) and Thursday (March 21).


Purim celebrates the miracle of Jewish redemption from Haman’s plot to have all Jews killed in one day throughout the kingdom of Achashveirosh. Through the intervention of Queen Esther for her people, the Jewish people were saved and the 14th day of the month Adar became a festive holiday.


On Purim it’s a mitzvah to be happy and to show kindness and generosity to the poor and needy; to send gifts to friends and to enjoy a sumptuous meal. It is also a mitzvah to drink a few Lechayims…


The Midrash brings the following parable about Haman's plot to destroy the Jewish people: A bird once made its nest near the sea.  A wave came and washed away the nest.  The bird became very upset, and decided to teach the sea a lesson. With its beak, it started taking water from the sea and spitting it onto shore. "What are you doing?" asked another bird. 


First bird: “I am determined to punish the sea for destroying my, by drying up the sea!”


Second bird: "You’re foolish. You are no match for the mighty sea. All you will do is exhaust yourself!"


The same was with Haman, explain our sages.  G-d said, "You want to destroy My people?  All you will accomplish is to destroy yourself!  But the people of Israel will last forever!"


Q.Why, in a leap year, (this year), when we have two months of Adar, is Purim celebrated in the second Adar?


A.  We celebrate Purim in the second Adar so that it will be celebrated closer to Pesach (Passover). Both, Purim and Pesach, celebrate redemption; Purim redemption from Haman, and Pesach from Pharaoh and the Egyptians.


On the lighter side:On Purim it is also a mitzvah to drink a few Lechayims… A man came to a bar on a nightly basis, ordering two glasses of scotch. When the bartender asked him why he never changed his order, the man explained that he had a friend with whom he drank a nightly glass of scotch for many years. "My friend was drafted and died in Korea," the man sighed, "and I decided to immortalize him by drinking two glasses of scotch every night. One glass I drink for him; the other for myself."


One night, after thirty years, the man entered the bar and ordered a single glass of scotch.


"What happened?" asked the bartender.


"Oh," the man responded, "I quit drinking."