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Friday, Tammuz 9, 5778 / June 22, 2018

In Parshat Chukat we read how G-d told Moshe and Aaron to speak to the rock to give water, but instead of speaking, Moshe hit the rock twice. Although the mission was accomplished and the rock gave water, yet it was considered a sin for Moshe for deviating from G-d’s command. As a result, Moshe and Aaron were punished that they wouldn’t enter into the Promised Land.


Q. How did Moshe make the mistake of hitting the rock when G-d told him to speak to it?


A. Forty years earlier, right after the Jewish people left Egypt, they were in a similar situation where they didn’t have any water. G-d then told Moshe to take his staff and hit the rock.


This time Moshe was commanded to take his staff and speak to the rock. Our sages explain that Moshe was angry at the people and addressed them saying, "Hear now you rebels.” Because of his anger, he made the mistake of hitting the rock.


Lesson: “This teaches us,” say our sages, “the destructive power of anger.” Because of this Moshe didn’t merit to go into the land of Israel.  Our sages even compare anger to idol worship!


Q. Why is anger compared to idol worship? What’s the connection?


A. Idol worship means that one doesn’t accept Hashem.  One of the principles of our faith is that everything which happens in the world is by Divine Providence. A person who becomes angry at someone or something, shows that they do not accept what G-d handed them. It shows that they disagree with G-d’s plan, which at some level is equal to not accepting G-d’s rule.


In this Parsha we read about Aaron’s passing. The Torah tells us that when the people realized that Aaron passed away, “The entire congregation of Israel cried for Aaron.” This includes men and women. However, when Moshe passed away eight months later, only the men cried for him.


The reason: Moshe is referred to as Man of G-d. But Aaron was a people’s person. Aaron was a man of peace who would get involved to bring peace between one person and another and between husband and wife. He was loved by everyone and when he died, even the women cried for him.


On the lighter side:A collector for a worthy cause approached a wealthy man, who never gave charity, for a donation. After a long discussion, he finally convinced him to give a nice donation.


The collector later boasted that he is even greater than Moshe. “Moshe was able to get only water from a stone.. but I was able to get money from a (heart of) stone.



Candle lighting time: 8:28 / Shabbat ends: 9:46