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Monday, Adar 29, 5777 / March 27, 2017
Q. On Shabbat and holidays, after reciting the blessing over the first cup of wine (Kiddush), we can drink as many cups of wine as we want, without reciting another blessing over each cup. Yet, at the Seder we drink four cups of wine and we recite the blessing over wine before each cup. Why? 
A. The reason we drink four cups at the Seder is to commemorate the four expressions of redemption which G-d used for the Exodus. Each cup represents a different expression of redemption and thus is a separate mitzvah. Because they are four separate mitzvot, we make a separate blessing before drinking each cup.
Q. At the Seder, when we perform the mitzvah of eating the matzah and drinking the four cups of wine, we are required to sit in a reclining position. What is the reason for this?
A. In ancient times, noblemen would eat in a reclining position. It was a sign of freedom. The average person, especially a servant, did not recline. At the Seder, when we celebrate our freedom from slavery, the rabbis instituted that we demonstrate our freedom by reclining as noblemen when performing the special mitzvot at the Seder.
Q. Why do we recline on the left side, not on the right side?
A. Our sages established that we recline on the left side so that the food should not accidentally enter the upper part of the windpipe, which may cause chocking.
Q. Why, when eating the maror (bitter herbs), we do not recline?
A. The maror is to remember the bitter slavery we endured in Egypt. It is not a sign of freedom. 
Q. What is the reason for filling the "Cup of Eliyahu (Elijah)" at the Seder?
A. The four cups which we drink at the Seder commemorate our past redemption. The "Cup of Eliyahu" symbolizes our future and ultimate redemption with the coming of Moshiach. According to tradition, Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the prophet) will be the one to inform us of Moshiach's arrival. May it occur speedily in our days!